Sunday, March 22, 2015



My goal for the next 12 hours is to both submit and turn in my paper to the infamous designated research paper box before 8AM tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


This past week I sent my paper to my sister, whom I consider to be a talented writer, so that she could point out the extraneous sections of the paper I could do without.  Her fresh look on my paper helped focus my paper a bit more, and she said it was a good paper, which made me feel a bit less stressed out.  


Figuring out how to alter my paper so that it would both fit the page limit as well as the argument I wanted to make without losing the content I liked.


This process, although daunting to some, was pretty fun for me.  I love writing essays, and the time we had to structure, then fill out our paper, worked really well with the way my brain functions.  Thank you Sarah!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2015

blog about first full draft

Because this blog is due tomorrow, when the full first draft is due, one of my goals is to hand in a full first draft.  I have a goal to re-read my entire paper aloud tonight before sending in and printing out my final paper.  I did this over the weekend while working on the draft, and caught many of the mistakes and awkward language I had used, and fixed them.  Another goal I have for the week is to work on the draft with any feedback I get.


This weekend I added a lot of discussion to my quotes, which Sarah had suggested.  I had not realized how much lack of discussion I had!  Luckily, now I feel as though my paper has enough content that I can continue to add to if needed.


I have a 14 page paper right now (works cited included).  I have to figure out what parts to cut while still retaining a solid argument that doesn't require me to alter a lot of my paper.


I wish my paper could be longer :(

Monday, March 9, 2015



My goals for this week are to finish editing the first chapter draft that we recieved back in class today.  Reading over it, I noticed some sloppy mistakes made while writing (or rather, not writing) commentary and discussion within the paper, which should be easy to fix.  I am also working on the goal of figuring out what to cut out of my paper to make my point in a more concise manner.  This is because right now I have twelve pages if you add both drafts, including works cited.


This week I finished my chapter two draft early and edited it in class.  Today we got back our chapter one drafts so I spent the class period correcting all mistakes I have made as well as altering some word choices and claims to fit my argument in a more coherent way.


I am worried about my paper's length, because I also have to write an introduction and conclusion paragraph as well as a transition paragraph to connect both chapters.  I am less worried about this because I would rather be cutting than adding, but I really like all parts of my paper and the arguments I have made, and I hate the idea of cutting out my hard work :(


The research paper is still not the most stressful thing on my plate, which I am thankful for.  Shoutout to Sarah for editing so many papers in so little time.  You da real MVP

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I have been doing homework for 5 hours straight and I am not done but its okay

GOALS:  My goals for this week revolve around adding discussion to my paper.  Tomorrow, our first rough draft is due.  I chose to turn in Chapter 2 of my paper, because after receiving my outline back, that was the Chapter that seemed to need the most work.  My goal is to get a lot of positive feedback on the changes I made to that chapter, so that I can move on to my next goal of completing Chapter one of my paper.
ACTIVITIES:  This past week, I worked on improving my paper during class time.  I was very happy with the grade I received on the outline, because I thought I was going to do worse for SURE.  I tweaked my paper a bit to form a better argument and while waiting for feedback on how to fix my second chapter, I began working on my first chapter.  I'm glad I did this instead of wasting class time, because now I have a head start on my first chapter and won't have to do as much work on it.

PROBLEMS:  I was facing the problem of how to fix the end of my Chapter 2 paper, but after talking about it with Sarah, she informed me that I could use the end as more of a long conclusion to my paper.  This put my mind at ease, because I honestly thought I was going to have to rewrite the last three claims of my paper and that would be terrible.

REFLECTION:  I feel right on track with where I am in the writing process.  My stress level is low, but I am preparing myself for spring sports to come into the mix with school, ACT and social life.  Hopefully, having less free time makes me procrastinate less and prioritize more.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

post-break blog!

GOALS: My first goal for the week is to get feedback on my outline.  From there, I can tweak whatever needs to be fixed or changed and have a better outline that will allow me to write a better paper.  My second goal is to use that new outline to start writing the actual paper! It's my favorite part of writing a paper, so I am really excited.

ACTIVITIES:  This past week, I was in Canada skiing with my family and a friend, so I did not do much with my research paper (sorry Sarah!).  It was nice to have a break, and I am ready to go head to head with my paper.

PROBLEMS:  I was pretty satisfied with my outline other than a few points that may be too similar for the paper to flow.  However, that outline may change this week, so I am not too worried.

REFLECTIONS:  YAY RESEARCH PAPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 8, 2015

RP mode on: Blog post #5


My goals for this week are to turn in a well organized outline on Tuesday, which I know will be accomplished with very little trouble, as I am almost done with it as of today.  My next goal for this week is to begin working on my draft for Chapter One of my paper.  This involves embedding quotes, and my goal is to embed most, if not all my quotes seamlessly.  I also plan on going in and talking to Sarah about my ideas for the paper.


This past week was spent creating my final detailed outline, due Tuesday of this upcoming week.  It was nice to finally start the actual writing process of the whole paper. With the sourcing, both secondary as well as primary, quotations, and formatting of both the bibliography and preliminary outline out of the way, our class is finally moving on to my favorite part of writing essays.  I have received pretty positive feedback about my topics and quotations so far, and I hope that continues as I write in order to make my argument that much stronger!


Some of my quotes work in multiple places within my paper, or I have only secondary sources for one topic and only primary for others.  It is a problem I am working on fixing, but it is frustrating nonetheless.


This paper and its due dates have been timed out and spaced out very nicely, and I am very thankful for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

~free to focus~


Create and refine my preliminary outline.  In class a few days ago when Sarah assigned the preliminary outline, I began writing down a chart of the three main overarching themes of both of my research paper books.  That allowed me to get a visual of what topics I had the most or least evidence on, which helped me in thinking about the structure of my paper.  My goal now is to create a preliminary outline that works with the three themes I have now.  Although it's likely that this outline will morph as the writing process continues, I am hoping I can create an outline that I don't need to change much.


While gathering notes on the three main themes that I have noticed in both of my books, I discovered other topics that tied two themes together, or brought up a whole new perspective.  Although many of them I couldn't use in my paper because it wouldn't be helpful, it was really interesting to learn about all the different analyses and critical thinking about both books, as well as Hemingway himself.  I stayed on task all week in class, and now with the stress of coordinating the Benefit Concert behind me, I can focus a lot more on the research paper.


I feel as though this week was not very problematic.  I am a bit worried about finalizing a preliminary outline, because I am picky about my writing, but I have to remember that it can be changed!


I am proud of myself for juggling multiple tasks of high responsibility this week.  When I make it through tough weeks like this one, I am reminded that I CAN succeed at something, no matter how daunting it may seem beforehand. :)